Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Avocado Chocolate Mousse

I always like to make the most of seasonal fruit and vegetables and incorporate them in all my cooking and baking. I like to use them in my kids meals too.

I will be posting some of my recipes by doing ‘Flavor of the Month’ posts. For example, for a particular month, when mangoes are in season, I will do a post on the nutritional importance of mangoes and I will post recipes with mango as the core ingredient.

I have had numerous requests on how to make the most of seasonal produce as they are in abundance at certain times of the year.

My ‘flavor of the Month’ posts are sure to keep you coming back for more recipes and the dishes will certainly impress your friends and family.

You will be amazed too at how fruits and vegetables can be incorporated into baking and desserts without you even noticing it, and it not compromising the taste of your dishes.

This is particularly useful in getting your kids to eat healthy, especially the fussy eaters, as they don’t even notice the hidden fruit and vegetables.


This chocolate mousse is oh so decadent and the creaminess of the avocados makes it so indulgent, yet so healthy and very easy to make.

It is quite popular amongst the family and even those on the Banting and Paleo diet as well.


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Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Yield : 4 bowls

Preparation time : 20 minutes

Ingredients :

  • 2 avocadoes, peeled, pitted and chopped
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 3 tblsp honey or enough to sweeten
  • 1/2 cup milk or almond milk
  • 1/2 cup coconut cream*
  • 150g good quality dark chocolate, melted

 Directions :

Refrigerate coconut cream for a few hours.

Blend avocados, essence, milk and honey. Fold through the melted chocolate until combined.

Pour into serving bowls and allow to set in the fridge.

Whip coconut cream until fluffy and spoon onto the mousse. Shave a few shards of dark chocolate over and serve.

*whipped coconut cream is a delicious dairy-free alternative to whipped fresh cream.
