Rose Glace Turkish Delight Topping

Rose Glace Turkish Delight Topping

Sweet treats are always welcome in my home. I do enjoy experimenting with new flavours and creating new sweet creations.

This topping was inspired after tasting the delicious rose topped croissants at the Hamptons Café in Dubai. I experimented with flavours and created this version for breakfast and it was absolutely divine. This topping could be used on donuts, cakes or any baked treat.


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Rose Glace Turkish Delight Topping

Ingredients :

  • 2 tblsp butter
  • 6 tblsp milk
  • 1/2 tsp rose flavoured syrup
  • 3/4 cup Icing sugar, or more, until desired consistency is reached
  • Cubes of rose flavoured Turkish delight


Directions :

Heat butter and milk in the microwave until melted. Add in the rose syrup and icing sugar and mix until smooth and thick.

Drizzle over your baked treats and top with small cubes of Turkish delight.