Beetroot and Carrot Pasta Puree

Beetroot and Carrot Pasta Puree

Beetroot, unfortunately, is one of the vegetables that is not a family favourite.

Beetroots are exceptionally healthy and I have tried to hide them in cakes and to use them in hummus, but I haven’t succeeded in making it a family favourite….yet.

Fortunately, my baby took to the taste of beetroot quite nicely. Beetroots are so flavourful and these pinkish red gems should be included as part of a family’s diet.

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Beetroot and Carrot Pasta Puree

Preparation time : 45 minutes


Ingredients :

  • 2 Beetroots, washed
  • 4 carrots, chopped
  • 1/2 cup pasta


Directions :

Wrap Beetroots in foil and place in a 200 degree preheated oven and roast until soft, about 30 minutes. In the meantime, place carrots and pasta in a pot with enough boiling water to cover and simmer until soft. Peel the cooked Beetroots and combine with the carrots and pasta.

Purée with a hand blender until smooth. Spoon into little containers, label and freeze.