Peppermint Tart Ice Cream Sandwiches

Peppermint Tart Ice Cream Sandwiches

Even though winter is upon us, who could ever say no to ice cream anytime of the year. I am sure you would sit at the fireplace or near a heater, covered in a blanket just to enjoy your favourite scoop.

Ice cream is everyones favourite, especially in my home. I have not attempted to make my own homemade ice cream yet, but I have plans this summer,  to begin churning out some delicious flavours. Watch this space !

These ice cream sandwiches are so easy to make and incredibly delicious. The kids would enjoy making them as well.

They would make the perfect after dinner treat, light afternoon snack for kids or as a picnic treat (no spoons and bowls required).

Sweet smooth chocolatey nutty minty yumminess enclosed in crunchy coconut biscuits says it all…..



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Peppermint Tart Ice Cream Sandwiches

Preparation Time : 30 minutes plus 1 hour freezer time

Ingredients :

  • 1 packet Bakers Tennis biscuits or any square coconut biscuits of your choice
  • 2 cups vanilla ice cream, softened
  • 1/2 tin caramel treat 
  • 1 peppermint crisp bar, crumbled
  • 1/4 cup Nutella 
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecan nuts 

Directions : 

Fold in the caramel, nuts, Nutella and peppermint crisp into the ice cream, leaving a few swirls. Freeze the mixture in a baking dish so it’s about 2cm thick, until firm.

Once firm, arrange the tennis biscuits on top and cut the ice cream into squares. Remove each square, sandwiching another tennis biscuit on the bottom of each ice cream slice.

Arrange on a baking tray and freeze again until firm.

  • Beeg Deal

    Yummy! !