Apple, carrot and apricot purée

Apple, carrot and apricot purée

My day in the kitchen involves preparing meals for my baby, my 5 year old and my husband. Each one has different tastes and requirements.
It does get quite exhausting, so it is important to prepare baby’s meals in advance and to freeze them.

I try to expose my baby to different tastes and textures and I enjoy preparing his meals at home.
I will be posting many different baby food recipes with unique combinations.
Follow my baby meal ideas which will change with my child’s growth timeline.
I will also be featuring meals for fussy eaters which are healthy and easy to make.

This purée is so yummy that I couldn’t help myself from having a taste or two.

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Apple, carrot and apricot purée

Preparation time : 30 minutes

Ingredients :

  • 4 carrots, chopped
  • 2 apples, peeled and chopped
  • 2 tablespoons Turkish dried apricots

Directions :

Place all of the above in a pot with enough boiling water to cover.
Simmer for 20 minutes until all the fruit is soft.
Purée using a hand blender until smooth.
Depending on your baby’s age and capability, you can blend to your desired texture .

  • Aneesa

    Dear Yasmin, I love the baby food recipes as I also prefer home made, thank you for this intake, Im sure the apricots add a nice flavour to simple carrot and apple. Looking forward to trying many more of your recipes.Aneesa